Yoga Retreat
with Timothy Khoo

The annual Yoga retreats are open to students currently enrolled in regular classes and intensives at Oasis.  who are keen in becoming more serious in their yoga practice and learning, and deepen their understanding. 

These retreats are set up to provide conducive conditions for practice, in terms of time allocation, environment, and a departure from the usual responsibilities and circumstances surrounding our regular lives. This gives practitioners a period of sustained uninterrupted window to dedicate and immerse themselves in yoga practice, that is usually out of reach with regular classes.

Timothy is an experienced and skillful yoga teacher, and the retreat is a precious opportunity for students to set aside dedicated time to look after their yoga practice and develop understanding.

Newer students are better suited to attend consistent classes and the Yoga Intensives first.


16 to 22 February 2025

Sunday afternoon to Saturday morning

Full attendance is required.


$700 (Tuition only)

Excludes airfare, transport, accommodation and meals


Ubud, Bali, Indonesia


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About Timothy Khoo

Timothy started practicing yoga since 2002 and has been running Oasis Holistic since 2003. He started teaching from 2004. He is under the tutelage of Peter Thomson since 2005.  Timothy enjoys the yoga learning process and its continual deepening development and involvement. He is deeply appreciative of his personal growth from the yoga practice and looks to bring that into his classes.

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