Women's Yoga
with Normala Manap

The class is a beginner Iyengar yoga class and catered specifically for women. It is organised so that women can feel comfortable practising only with other women. The student numbers will be kept small to cater to this early beginnings as well as needs presented by students. It is highly suitable for persons who have always wanted to do yoga but somehow have held back due to various reasons. It will also benefit those with particular conditions that they feel will benefit from more attention.

Class Schedule

Saturdays  11:30 am - 1:00 pm  Women's  with  Normala Manap

About Normala Manap

Mala has been practicing Iyengar yoga since 1988, and teaching since 2000. As part of her training Mala has trained with the Iyengar family namely Geeta Iyengar and Prashant Iyengar, as well as attended workshops and retreats with senior teachers including Ramanand Patel, Rodney Yee and Shandor Remete. Her main teacher and mentor is Peter Thomson, a founding member of the Australian BKS Iyengar Yoga Association. Mala is an ageing specialist / gerontologist by profession having spent more than three decades in the field of ageing and health at various levels. She recently set up her own consultancy and training agency on ageing - AGE MATTERS (www.agematters.sg).

AGE MATTERS is dedicated to helping the development of ageing in Singapore and the region across policy, practise as well as research. The spheres of yoga and ageing and health are deeply intertwined enabling Mala to deal effectively with many health and wellness issues that students might present.

More about Mala and her other classes >